TEDxDelft 2013 | Revising the TEDxDelft letters

2013-09-05 15.32.09In 2012, we had our TEDxDelft letters on stage. We thought they were really big but it turned out to be just the right size for our (also very big) stage. After a year of travel to several places in the neighborhood of the venue and lending them out to two other TEDx events (always a pleasure to work together with fellow organizers) the letters needed some positive attention.

The parts that endured the most were the spacers: a device or construction to help the letters to keep standing up and have the right space between them, not really visible when the letters are on a stage but very nessecary parts. The spacers from last year were broken in several places because they were kept as small as possible and thus fragile.

Luckily, we still had the laser cutter files so Thijs de Meester came up with an idea to make new and improved spacers. Today, we tested the spacers in TU Delft Library. Of course we made a few photos, here they are.

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Thanks Thijs!