website_tedx2014_detailpageIn an effort to bring you a better TEDx experience, some of the TEDxDelft team set off for TEDxUHasselt last weekend.

The demographics of the event are similar to TEDxDelft. TEDxUHasselt is held at the University of Hasselt in Hasselt, Belgium. The university is primarily a technical university with approximately 5,500 students situated in a town of 70,000 inhabitants. They just hosted their 3rd event and TEDxDelft is going into our 4th. Unlike our event, TEDxUHasselt is organized and run entirely by students.

The theme of their event was Unexpected Connections. According to their website,

“After three years of existence, the organizers of TEDxUHasselt learned a lot of things. One of the most important is how interesting and powerful good connections can be and this experience is what we want to share with you. People, cultures, and research areas will be mixed and connected to each other on March 29th, which will result in the ultimate brain spa.”

We learned a lot from the experience and brought back some good ideas for 2015. Thanks to TEDxUHasselt for inviting us.

Cupcakes (work in progress)Een avond waar een professor watermanagement, een docent economie en een thuiskok met elkaar in gesprek gaan, afgewisseld met ludieke, schokkende,  informatieve stukken cinema. Klinkt leuk? Mooi, dat lijkt mij ook. Dus: 14 januari 2014 om 19.30 in filmhuis Lumen in Delft: TEDxDelftCinema, met als host/curator:  Rolf Hut!

Want die thuiskok, dat ben ik. Een kant van me die ik niet vaak buiten de privé-sfeer etaleer. Behalve als ik taart moet meebrengen naar werk. Dan ga ik los. Bij de eindpresentaties van “meten aan water” had ik dus 50 cupcakes in 4 smaken mee.

TEDxDelftCinema is een avondvullend programma in filmhuis Lumen waar een curator de kans krijgt zijn visie/inspiratie te delen, gebruik makend van video fragmenten (onder andere TED video’s). Toen Rob van TEDxDelft en Jerome van Lumen mij vroegen om een avond TEDxCinemaDelft te verzorgen was het onderwerp snel gekozen. In het nieuws hoor ik regelmatig over misstanden rond de productie van het voedsel waar ik zo van hou. Ik doe daar niets mee en sluit moedwillig mijn ogen. Daarom heb ik mijn vrienden Nick van de Giesen en Michel Frijns uitgenodigd om met mij op het podium plaats te nemen en te bespreken of er iets mis is in de voedselwereld, hoe dat komt en of we er iets aan kunnen doen. Het wordt een soort zomergasten, maar dan live in een bioscoop.

Dus 14 januari vanaf 19.30 (tot ongeveer 2300) staan Nick van de Giesen, Michel Frijns en ik in Lumen voor TEDxDelftCinema. Komt allen! info hier. Reserveren via 015 214 0226.

In 2012, Mars One Founder Bas Lansdorp did his TEDxDelft talk. Mars One will establish a human settlement on Mars. You can participate in the first major step: a private Mars Lander and Satellite mission in 2018. The Mars One foundation will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. A newly launched Indiegogo campaign will help us jumpstart the first major step in our project – a private Mars Lander and Satellite mission in 2018. Your participation will help fund the 2018 mission and above all, show the partners & sponsors that the world is ready for this to happen. Mars One gives you the opportunity to participate in this historic project. This can be your mission to Mars!

1424471_660599157318707_790933376_nSeven Billion Presidents

My name is David Theuvenet. I’ve studied Technology Management and have a background in sustainability projects. If you ask me, when looking at our common global problems, we have been looking for solutions in the wrong places. What we need is not to improve things, make things better, create more intelligent solutions or more technical solutions. What we need are solutions that come from a different way of thinking. Instead of trying to fix the past I believe we should focus on what we want to create in the future.
We are a generation with limitless possibilities, and I believe that the new concept that I want to share with you might be our best and maybe our only feasible option…

TEDxDelftSalon with David Theuvenet is Monday 9 December from 12.30 to 1.30 in Aula Congress Centre TU Delft. please register through Facebook:

JeroenTEDxDelft and Filmhuis Lumen present TEDxDelft Cinema, an evening of watching TED videos in a beautiful cinema in Delft. Each month a guest presents his inspirations and motivations via talks and videos.The evening ends with a surprise movie. The presenter will mainly speak in dutch but the movies are mostly in English.

Op dinsdag 17 december om 19.30 is Jeroen van Erp de curator van TEDxDelftCinema. Rob Speekenbrink zal hem in een gesprek vragen naar het waarom van keuzes in werk, kunst, muziek en het leven. Read more

De Vvier Elementen.On October the 4th, Krashna Musika performed two pieces of the Magnificat by John Rutter at TEDx Delft. Those two pieces were only a preview of the concert that will take place in the Auditorium in the Aula of the TU Delft (Mekelweg 5, Delft) on the 14th of December and in the Prinsekerk (Schepenstraat 69, Rotterdam) on the 13th of December. Both concerts will start at 20:15h. Read more

SponsorenTEDxDelft-JongensVanDeTekeningenAt TEDxDelft 2013 the Jongens van de Tekeningen (‘the drawing guys’) made a visual representation of the talks. Drawing from dusk till dawn, the first draft was made on an electronic tablet based on sketch notes taken during the talk. Using a large format printer this was printed on a roll of paper after which connecting elements and finishing touches were added by hand. Read more

603126_645252158853407_269865319_n11 November 2013 from 12.30 until 13.30 in the aula auditorium TU Delft (please be aware me moved TEDxDelftSalon from the Library to the Aula).
Jessica Aceves

Welcome to the TEDxDelftSalon: small, monthly events that take place in the Auditorium in the Aula. One TED talk, one live speaker and a discussion afterwards.

TEDxDelftSalon will take place during lunchtime (sandwiches will be provided) from 12.30 until 13.30. All talks will be in English and registration is mandatory.

Lust for Speed

Let’s analyze our lust for speed. Why is it that we love cars? And what is the societal consequence of this passion of ours? In order to fuel the economy, societies in the XXI century are challenged to implement functional changes for improved connectivity. Where should the solution come from: Should we ask for a management approach? Or would self-organization suffice? And last but not least: How to make it work in a short term? I will present a proposal intended to make us think: What are we waiting for?

Linda_23_okt_2012_Laura_de_Haan_DSC5111_140_140_all_8_s_c1De tweede TEDxDelft-Cinema wordt een avond met cinema en TED-filmpjes, al even rijk en divers als samensteller Linda Ammerlaan zelf. Als cultureel producent heeft zij met projecten als de Skatejam al vele sporen in Delft nagelaten.

Dinsdag 22 oktober is de tweede TED-cinema-avond in Filmhuis Lumen, deze maand met de Delftse culturele producent Linda Ammerlaan. Deze onvermoeibare aanpakker trakteert het publiek op een zeer afwisselende mix filmpjes, deels van, vol inpirerende ideeën op zeer uiteenlopende vlakken. De avond, waar ook plek is voor muziek, wordt afgesloten met een verrassingsfilm, die al even rijkgeschakeerd is als de diverse projecten die Linda in Delft heeft georganiseerd.

Kaarten en reserveren via de website van Filmhuis-Lumen. Read more

maarteampkine-01-credits-Astrid-Verhoef1-700x466U heeft bij TEDxDelft al kunnen genieten van Maartje & Kine. Hun nieuwe avondvullende voorstelling is opgenomen in het programma van Chaos aan de Schie zodat u vrijdag 18 oktober de kans krijgt om dit talentvolle muzikale duo opnieuw te bewonderen.

Maartje & Kine; ontwapenend en charmant, muzikaal hoogstaand en origineel, jong en ambitieus, lief en vilein, messcherp en grappig, energiek en indringend, blond en rood, Nederlands en Noors. Dat zijn Maartje & Kine!

Dit schreef de jury van het Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival over Maartje en Kine. ‘Hier staan twee dames die nergens bang voor zijn. Niet om harde noten te kraken, niet voor gemene tackles op de enkels. De combinatie Noorwegen-Houten neemt nergens een blad voor de mond en is op een hele fijne manier actueel.’ Zij spelen hun nieuwste voorstelling op 18 oktober bij Chaos aan de Schie.

Maartje de Boer en Kine Handlykken ontmoetten elkaar als achtergrondmuzikanten op een schip. U kunt ze al kennen van de Eindemaands op VARA HumorTV waar ze de actuele intermezzo’s verzorgden. In ‘Vreemd Folk’ zijn Maartje & Kine terug waar ze begonnen. Als muzikanten op een oud cruiseship, zingend ten onder. Op een podium vol met instrumenten spelen ze opzwepende klezmer, Ierse folk, Franse chansons, Argentijnse tango en klassieke muziek. Een muzikale cabaretvoorstelling met een aanstekelijk enthousiasme en scherpe teksten.

De voorstellingen zijn onderdeel van de Chaos aan de Schie, waar verrassing en het onverwachte hoog in het vaandel staan. Het Chaosprogramma doet daar vrolijk aan mee en loopt nog tot eind oktober. Het Chaosarrangement bestaande uit een 3-gangendiner + theaterkaart kost 45,= euro en losse kaarten zijn verkrijgbaar voor 15,= euro. De voorstelling begint om 21.00 uur. Locatie: Lijm & Cultuur, Rotterdamseweg 272. Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht op:

Wonder what it was like at the dress rehearsals for TEDxDelft 2013? Reporter Heather Beasley Doyle gives you the scoop.

The TEDxDelft 2013 rehearsal took a slightly frantic turn as event production volunteer Erika Teeuwisse raced down a hall and up the stairs leading to the auditorium entrance inside the Aula building on the TU Delft campus.  Full steam ahead, she opened the door to the darkened space with a slap of her hand.  Surveying the area, Teeuwisse spotted a woman dancing onstage and looked around, murmuring that during her TEDx talk, the woman would be doing something with the audience. She excused herself and made a beeline for the auditorium control room. It was October 3rd, and the doors to “TEDxDelft 2013: Do try this at home”, would open in less than 24 hours.  Teeuwisse had a lot to do.

“One day before the event is always a really strange day”, explained TEDxDelft founder Rob Speekenbrink, who initiated a TEDx event in Delft in 2010 after attending several other European TEDx events.  TEDxDelft made its debut in November 2011.  Speekenbrink loves the event because, “The energy that people get is enormous.  I like people smiling, being entertained and at ease.”

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We are very please our first three videos are ready:

SKG_8755Wow, it’s a wrap! TEDxDelft 2013 has come to an end, and what great moments it brought us! Just to mention some of it. Marije Nie, who makes poetry with her feet, Anne Walraven who believes in sharing dreams instead of nightmares, Ben Bronsema’s inspiration by his late wife that caused him to do some incredible stuff. Talks about building on water and plans on cleaning the oceans. Gerwin Smit making the difference in the field of prostheses and Tim Zaman making 3D paintings. There was books swapping and radiation tests and even playing music with bananas.  Japie being his rebellious self and John Cohn an amazing nutty professor. Yes, it was a pretty great, inspiring and FUNtastic day! If you missed out, you can read the live blog on the website. We have put all photos on Flickr. And in a few weeks all the talks will be on YouTube.

We also received the blog written by Laetitia Martina, Studiolae that gives you a nice impression of the day.

SKG_9334Dr John Cohn is a self-confessed nerd. He already knew he wanted to be an engineer at the age of eight, found himself a nerdy college, a nerdy job and even a nerdy wife, or at least a fellow-engineer.  As a nerd he breaks the mould though.  Because onstage, with his rainbow-coloured lab coat, his Einstein-inspired hairdo and his party light headband, he is most of all entertaining and fun.  That ties in with his motto:  keep things playful. Bring a playful spirit into your work.

John says he is at his most creative, influential,  productive and happy when he is playful at his work. With playful he means being in a state of childlike innocence.  So playfulness is not just about enjoying your work, you are even more creative, as studies show. You can also reclaim that childlike state, by imagining you are still seven years  old.

Life however, has a way of taking play away from us. The harder life gets, the more we have to work at staying playful. If work is not playful anymore, than it is just work. Which is why they call it work, incidentally.  Six years ago, life became very difficult for John, when his son Sam died in a car crash. Sam was an organ donor, and when his life ended he saved the life of four other people. Needless to say, John’s life changed forever. And trying to get his life back on track involved a playful element, although he didn’t think of it like that at the time. John and his family started making SamStones, small stones with Sam’s name on it. Now, over six years later,  some 40,000 SamStones have travelled all over the world, and each stone tells a story. One of them even went to space and back.

Life will give you reasons not to play, and you have to fight back!

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SKG_9302Winners of the TEDxDelft Salon Maartje en Kine were on stage today at TEDxDelft. Possibly the most entertaining performance of the day.

They said the first thing you learn studying classical music is to never write your own songs because they just won’t ever be as good as Mozart’s. For this special occasion of do try this at home, Maartje and Kine did write their own songs. And I can tell you, it was every bit as good as Mozart!

Today is world animal day. So Maartje en Kine sang a song about pandas. Very appropriate on two levels, because Delft is also arguably home to the largest pack of pandas in the world. For those not familiar with this Delft tradition, you can figure this one out by listening to Maartje en Kines song. Their song titled ‘panda’ tells the tale of the extinction of the panda. Think upbeat fun music and even funnier lines.

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Japie Stoppelenburg, conceptor, copywriter, designer, researcher, director, singer, dancer and actor – often for clients and mostly for fun, gave a dazzling speech today about the resemblances between Facebook and a schoolyard.

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At 14:04  today, a winner of the TEDxDelft motor driven class of the Tram Car Race could be announced, and 20 minutes later, a winner of the manual class.

The first race was between a motorcycle driven tram car, built by eight students at De Haagse Hogeschool, and a diesel generator – motor combination, built by Rolf Hut‘s own team. The motorcycle, as might be expected, did the trick, and the tram car flew away. To his great disappointment, Rolf’s team were not able to finish without a helping hand, after a chain jump short after start. Hard work undoubtedly pays off. “I only slept three hours last night” says the team leader, Mark van der Leer, “Besides some minor hickups, it went as expected”.

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SKG_9255With 80 people on the stage, “Krashna Musika”, the orchestra and choir of the music students of in Delft, has set a record. They all got on stage to perform “Magnificat” by British composer John Rutter under conductor Ruben de Grauw.

By listening to Krashna Musika you can understand why orchestras and choirs are often used as an example for team work: all the voices and instruments worked perfectly together in order to create a musical piece which often changed in tempo and loudness and alternated between the high and low voices, and yet created something that was whole.

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jngnsJongens van de Tekeningen (‘Boys from the Drawings’ in Dutch)

Besides all the TEDxDelft talks being available on our Youtube channel, and all the photo’s that were made during the day, there’s one other thing to remember this year’s event by. And that is a huge, huge drawing, made by the Jongens van de Tekeningen. Combining digital and regular drawing with pencils and markers, they create a visualisation of all the speakers, performers and everything else that’s happening today. When this post went online, the drawing was — meter, and they still had to go — hours! They’re here all day, so if you want to know how they make the drawing and how long it is now, visit them on the top floor.

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A painting is a 2D object, everyone knows that. Wrong! Tim Zaman, Ph.D. candidate at the Delft University of Technology, constructed for his graduation project a 3D scanner and took a closer look at several masterpieces from Rembrandt and Van Gogh. By printing those scans with a 3D printer.

SKG_9204He proved that paintings are actually 3D objects. For instance, Rembrandt now and again added some half dry paint to his works to enhance the effects he was seeking for. In just a short performance, being interviewed by the host of the day Spike Jan Bouwsema, Tim explained that nowadays when we look at paintings of the great masters, they are often affected by time. “The painintings  dont look like the painter painted them anymore”, Tim stated.

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SKG_9182Anne Walraven was in NRCNext and on the TEDx Delft stage today. Not bad. The perfect example that individuals ‘like you and me’ can become so much more powerful in this day and age.

After finishing her studies Anne Walraven understood her peers that were feeling self-doubt and confusion due to the lack of jobs. An environmentalists herself she was used to communicating 90{95388bbb2e9df0f2b3d26445fc24fe82185b1b567dbb094bc3a45074083d0a2b} about all the problems that the world faces and only 10{95388bbb2e9df0f2b3d26445fc24fe82185b1b567dbb094bc3a45074083d0a2b} about the solutions. And that 10{95388bbb2e9df0f2b3d26445fc24fe82185b1b567dbb094bc3a45074083d0a2b} you can come up with easily. Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazine know how to do it. 10 easy ways to change the world. Eat local food, vote for the right politicians etc. Some books claim you can even make money whilst saving the world or that you can do it together with your horse. If it is that easy why are we still stuck with crisis after crisis? Read more

SKG_9178Excited to see the new houseband of the Dutch TV-show DWDD, the audience applauded through the first notes Tangerine played. The authentic additude of twins Sander and Arnout Brinks and their drive for innovating their own music, fits right into the inspiring TEDx-event.

Tangerine’s new album describes the things they discovered on their way to success, about their dreams and hopes. The first song they performed was called ‘Motion of light’ and tells the story of their doubts during their religious youth. ‘We were in doubt all of the time’, Sander says backstage. ‘But when you doubt, your mind searches for a new path. That’s how we come up with the lyrics of our songs. I haven’t thought about it before, but when you look at it like that, we are at the right stage today.”

Sander hopes that the message of their songs will inspire listeners. “Because that’s the thing we love about TEDx; people who tell about their experiences to inspire other people. We try to do that with our music.” In the second song they performed at stage (Reasons), he practice what he preaches by singing that reasons will fade with time. “We are all searching for something spectacular in life, but when you commit to your passions and believes, you will be OK!”

VIPbusDo try this at home TEDxDelft: talk to ID coach Chantal van Arensbergen. You can find MOVISIE in the foyer on the first floor. TED talks are about getting inspired. But what does that mean? Inspiration alone doesn’t change the world. Being inspired should always mean to be inspired to take action. This is what the ID coach can help you with. Just that little push, only a small nudge. To turn ideas into reality. To make the world a better place. Chantal van Arensbergen has already helped quite a few of you out there, for example to become a social entrepreneur, to no longer be a student but still be abe to hang on to that youth and childlike curiosity. Feel like you have a great idea and inspiration? Go visit the ID coach to do something with it.

klikklakSipke Jan Boersema already demonstrated them but just in case you haven’t tried them yet. You can find adorable blue ‘klikklaks’ everywhere on the tables. Great conversation starters. Spot anyone that looks interesting? Walk up to them and challenge them to try it. If you’re already  suffering from inspiration overlaod use them as food for thought later when thinking back to TEDxDelft. One day I will… Who are you going to inspire? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the answers yet. Just start thinking about it though..



TEDxDelft is famous for their ability to touch and inspire people.
We make people think, we start conversations and we provide brilliant speakers with engaging audiences and help them change the world.

So why stop now?

After today, there will be lots of side events that will keep the spirit of TEDx alive here in Delft!

For one, we are carrying on with the TEDxDelft Salons from the 11th of October onwards. The TEDxDelft Salons take place in the orange room at TU Delft Library, are monthly recurring events and are small in size (1 live performer, 1 TED video, a discussion afterwards). All this in lunchtime (lunch will be provided) from 12.30 until 13.30. For more information, visit this website.

Also, on 22 October, we are carrying on with TEDxDelft Cinema. Together with Filmhuis Lumen, we present an evening of watching TED videos in a beautiful cinema in Delft. Each month a guest presents his inspirations and motivations via talks and videos. The evening ends with a surprise movie and this month the honor of curating this, goes to Linda Ammerlaan!

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SKG_9132The prostheses we have today have not changed for more than 100 years: they don’t look like hands; they are hard to operate; or, they don’t provide an accurate enough grip. They are not very reliable, either. There is another huge problem: they are very heavy. You can literally say that the problem outweighs the benefits.

The current answer to this is to add more functions, making the prosthesis more complex, and heavier- and the users even more dissatisfied with their artificial hands- a vicious circle!
Enter Gerwin Smit, a PhD fellow at the TU Delft. His idea is to make the device much lighter by focusing on body-powered devices rather than electric ones. Thinking about ways to reduce friction in a body-powered artificial hand, Gerwin then looked at airplanes and cars (yes, airplanes and cars) that use hydraulic cylinders for their brakes.

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SKG_9098When Marije starts tapping, the crowd is dead silent. The only thing you can hear is the sound of her tapping feet on the streets of Istanbul; the scenery for her new movie “One million steps”.

A Turkish man starts singing along with the rhythm of her dance and Marije starts explaining that when she tap dances, everything evolves around the moments in between the taps. That the moments of silence, in between the beat, are the moments that count the most. Because it’s within those moments when you contemplate on your next step and figure out what your next move would be.

The average person takes a little over a million steps per year. When we do this our body often switches to autopilot. We take those steps without even thinking about them.

Did you ever think about the millions of steps people take in their lives? How they take them and where they lead? Some are serene, some hectic, taken with attention on each step or with the mind always on the destination. Do we sometimes loose sight of the many possibilities on the way? Intrigued by these questions Marije Nie decided to take a closer look at feet in action, in order to make something visible that is often a disregarded but essential part of people’s lives.

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The Pop-Up Library at TEDxDelft

Ideas worth sharing come in many avatars. Most popularly books. One of the most visited side events at TEDxDelft is the Pop-Up Library. One corner of the Van Hasseltzaal in the Aula at TU Delft has been set up as a temporary library. Visitors can drop off books and pick up some that interest them. We saw a copy of Being Jane Austen, some books by Jodi Picoult, and even a Dutch translation of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol.

TEDxDelft blogger Ulf Winberg donated some of his girlfriend’s books to the library. They included some Dutch comic books and a training manual. “We both feel that we rarely read any book twice and to keep them around would serve no purpose other than showing off. So, we decided to donate them to the Pop-Up Library,” said Winberg. Read more

SKG_8966Professor Maarten Frens is not just brainy, he is a brain professor, and a specialist on the subject of brain enhancement. At TEDxDelft 2013 he tells us all about Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation or TDCS. Transcranial what? Basically, it is low voltage electricity applied to the skull. It is supposed to increase the speed at which you can learn things; it can make you read faster, for example.  Limitless learning power, we’ve all wished for that at some stage in our lives, so bring it on! And now for the ‘do-try-this-at-home’ angle: you can make your own TDCS device by just going to the hardware store and buying two sponges, salt, wire and a battery. Or buy a device on the net, because they are already available online and hot among gamers.

But does it really work? It sounds like a Tell Sell solution. As a sceptic and a neuroscientist, Maarten studied the scientific literature first. But scientific publications don’t always mean something works, due to the publication bias. Positive findings are much more likely to be published than negative results. Still, the research gave Maarten an idea on how TDCS  would work, if indeed it does. What happens is, the electricity does not work directly on the brain, but it stimulates the formation of a molecule in the brain called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNF, which makes neurons grow.

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Is failure a bad thing? “No”, says Matthew Rogers. At TEDxDelft he tells about the Joy of Failure. Face, love and free yourself!

SKG_8954As a 21-year old man, he was a university boxer with the ambition to become a Roman Catholic priest. He didn’t follow any education in that direction, but his confessor, priest John Gallen, is willing to teach him. Over a period of three years, the priest becomes uncomfortably close. Whenever Matthew confronts him, the priest turns it around and says that he is the one with emotional problems. Matthew wants to go away, but can´t. Until a friend physically removes him from John Gallen’s presence. This is a turning-point in his life. He graduates cum laude from law-school, gets married and becomes a father of three sons.

Black box

He put his memories in a ‘black box’ and hides it. “But the voices came back. Every day, like a radio. I tried to change the channel, but couldn’t”, he jokes. Over the course of his marriage, he had hit his wife. They divorce, and she wrote a book about it. “Then I learned to face my memories, to love what I saw and finally free myself. I found joy!” His life continues in a good way. Read more

SKG_9000Despite finishing his PhD just a few days ago, Rolf Hut has been an active member of the TEDxDelft team also this year. Last year, besides being responsible for the Scrap Heap Challenge, he had his own talk. Now he is on stage again, this time for a short interview.

Rolf is the guy with ideas, and it was indeed his idea to do a Tram Car Race for this years TEDxDelft edition. Besides helping the other participating team, he is building his own tram car, just outside the Aula where the talks are being held.

Sipke Jan managed to drag Rolf from his tram car building, his hands still covered with grease, for a short interview regarding the tram car race:

“Homemade tram car devices are being prepared right outside. Two cars are manual and two are electrical/diesel powered. It’s going to be a lot of fun!”

The race will be performed straight after lunch, at 2:00 pm. Despite Rolfs T-shirt “We’re all a bit mad” let us hope for a safe and fun race. See you there!

SKG_8914Another speaker mentioned that there is a relatively small group of people promoting green buildings. However Ben Bronsema is one of them. Do try this at home is the perfect theme for him. Because Ben Bronsema does not only have a dream, he also has a plan. Anyone who owns a building is kindly invited to connect to Ben Bronsema to ‘try this at home’ and turn the building into a mini power plant.

Ben Bronsema’s late wife is his inspiration. She is the one who told him: “your job is your passion, your life and your joy. This is your purpose in life when I am no longer here”.

Ben Bronsema has had a hard and difficult life working on air-conditioning systems as they are not liked by anyone. People don’t like the noise, the draft or high energy usage and they complain about the air quality. Getting his ideas from the inner workings of termite hills can’t have been a pleasure either. But he stuck with it and it worked. Read more

Mutual exchange is the key to a better world believes Carin Boersma of Oxfam Novib

Mutual exchange is the key to a better world believes Carin Boersma of Oxfam Novib


The talk began with a thought provoking video about a mock initiative called Radi-Aid. With a heart-rending background score, the video talks about “spreading warmth to Norway” by encouraging Africans to donate their heaters to the cold people in Norway. “Imagine if this was the only video people in the world saw of Norway. The only think they would know about it is that it’s a cold country,” starts Carin Boersma, forcing the audience to question long held stereotypes about developing nations perpetuated by the media.

Boersma is the Program Officer at Oxfam Novib,  a Dutch developmental organization that works across 94 countries to create a world without poverty. For the past six years she has worked on Emotive, an initiatve that follows the principle of mutual exchange of ideas among nations around  the world. Read more


TEDxDelft has the hostess with the mostess. Well more than one actually. Everybody got a very warm welcome at TEDxDelft from the colorful characters at the entrance. They immediately made you feel the promise of this day. Everywhere the red and black and creativity of TEDxDelft is visible and a good organization goes a long way to optimize your time to get inspired! The lovely ladies and gents in red were a much appreciated something extra to help us find workshops and events.

Like the one of Hack Your Home, Dreamups and Metabolic who took over commissiekamer 2. A showroom for DIY clean technologies. A non techie myself I haven’t been able to unravel all of the smart innovative technologies behind it but can you believe I played a banana piano? Yes closing the circuit with your finger, you can use bananas as piano keys. I recommend going there and trying it out! You can also have a look at scanners and 3D printers and flowsensors. Did you know that for just 20 euro’s you can buy a sensor to measure your resource consumption and waste consumption. If you want to take it a bit further you can create a system that tells you when to water your plants. Now I know that this invention will save lives! Read more

A very special moment for the audience: after a year of virtual media silence, Boyan Slat is back on the TEDxDelft stage to be interviewed by host Sipke Jan Bousema. His talk from last year – “How the oceans can clean themselves” – passed a million views on YouTube an hour before he comes on stage at TEDxDelft 2013. He’s modest about it, when Sipke Jan asks him how that feels: “it’s  ok.”

So how did it all get started? Two and a half years ago, Boyan read about plastic pollution. There is 30 times more plastic in the middle of the ocean than there is naturally occurring plankton and nothing was being done about it. He decided to write his final assignments for secondary school on the subject. He won a prize for his assignment and this was reported in a local paper. He got invited to TEDxDelft 2012, and two months later his talk had been viewed some 3,000 times. So far so good. But then, on 1 April 2013, another newspaper article appeared and the media exploded. Read more

Scott Cunningham

Scott predicts the future without a crystal ball!

Scott worked in the computer and software industry, creating analytical models for commercial clients like AT&T. He is interested in operations research and decision sciences approaches for policy making. In particular he is interested in statistical analytics of social exchange. Now he uses these analytics to predict the future. Read more

Damaris Matthijsen had the audience spellbound with her entrance

Damaris Matthijsen had the audience spellbound with her entrance

Social entrepreneur Damaris Matthijsen had everyone spellbound as she walk onto stage through the aisles singing a haunting melody. She started off with a thought provoking game. The audience was asked to stand and represent certain words through action. The word ‘Freedom’ got a loud “yay” and hand wave, while  ‘Brotherhood’ had people hugging each other. Then came the tricky word – ‘Equality’. After a momentary pause, people held hands.

The trinity -Freedom, Brotherhood and Equality – is what Matthijsen considers key to a new approach to an economy- one that honors life. Founder of the pioneering economic movement – Economy Transformers – Matthijsen believes that current economic structures disregard human life and contribution. Read more

SKG_8779Rutger de Graaf is a man with a mission: to build the first floating city on earth. Why? Because by the year 2100 earth’s population is expected to rise to ten million, and we’re simple running out of space.

Rutger the Graaf dazzles us with some big numbers. We already live in giant cities along the coast, he says, and 150,000 people move to a city every day. That means that by the end of his talk, the number of people in the audience – 1,000 – will have relocated to a city. And by the end of the century a staggering total of 4.5 billion people. Combined with ever-rising consumption, we will need twice as much farmland forty  years from now.   Not only that, but land is lost due to sea level rise. Fossil fuels are depleted, so we need land to grow bio fuels. All in all, we are faced with a future land shortage of 22 million square kilometres, the size of North America. Read more

Jamal Mechbal speaks about his homelessness.

Jamal Mechbal speaks about his homelessness.

Jamel was 29 years old when his son was born and 34 when he and his wife got a daughter. He spent about ten hours a day working and made lots of money. They had moved from the Netherlands to Canada,later to San Fransisco and back to Holland again. It seemed a lifetime success. But after his wife left, everything collapsed. He couldn’t cope with the situation and broke down after three years of stress. He lost his job, built up debts and finally lost everything he had worked and strived for, including his children.

Like a prison
He worked as a cleaner and he worked in factories, but in the end he was let go. He gaped into a big, black hole. Ouside it was terrible cold in the Netherlands at that time. So he went to a shelter to have a roof over his head. But he hated it! It felt like a prison to him . You had to be out at 9 AM, couldn’t come back until 4 PM and after 10 PM there would be no bed. People around him used drugs and alcohol. He felt completely lost. Read more

Registration opens to hundreds of visitors from across Delft and the Netherlands. #TEDxDelft

Registration opens to hundreds of visitors from across Delft and the Netherlands. #TEDxDelft


Rob Speekenbrink, the founder of TEDxDelft, welcomes the visitors

Rob Speekenbrink, the founder of TEDxDelft, welcomes the visitors

TEDxDelft 2013 opened to an audience of 1,100 visitors. Crowds began gathering at 8am despite the wet and cold morning. The day began with a pre-recorded message by Chris Anderson, curator TED, who spoke about the concept of TEDx and bringing ideas alive around the world. Read more

This morning Bert van Leijsen from Bomen Verhuur delivered 20 trees to TUDelft. Yes, you are reading that right, he delivered trees straight from their 20,000 m2 nursery. Bomen Verhuur is the only company in the Netherlands that delivers trees for events in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium and Germany.


“Everything you want for your event is possible, there are no limits” says Bert. Bomen Verhuur transformed a venue into a real jungle and delivered more than 200 bamboo trees to the Lowlands festival.