Entries by Ulf Winberg

TEDxDelft 2013 | Tram Car Race – We have a winner!

At 14:04  today, a winner of the TEDxDelft motor driven class of the Tram Car Race could be announced, and 20 minutes later, a winner of the manual class. The first race was between a motorcycle driven tram car, built by eight students at De Haagse Hogeschool, and a diesel generator – motor combination, built […]

TEDxDelft 2013 | Rolf Hut – A Man With Ideas

Despite finishing his PhD just a few days ago, Rolf Hut has been an active member of the TEDxDelft team also this year. Last year, besides being responsible for the Scrap Heap Challenge, he had his own talk. Now he is on stage again, this time for a short interview. Rolf is the guy with […]

TEDxDelft 2013 | Tram Cars are Being Built!

Despite the beautiful weather, a number of dedicated people spent their entire day inside a window-less workshop, working hard to build tram cars for the upcoming race next week, during the TEDxDelft event. Four teams will participate, competing on making the fastest tram car. Rolf Hut who came up with the idea was, besides building […]


Have you ever dreamt of making your own tram car? Perhaps not, but now you can, by signing up to the TEDxDelft tram car race! As part of the TEDxDelft event on the 4th of October there will be a tram car race making use of the the newly built tram tracks through the University […]