TEDxDelft 2013 | VerdraaidGoed! is darn good at using waste!

lisanne verdraaidgoedVerdraaidGoed! (‘darn good!’) fits this years’ TEDxDelft ‘Do Try This At Home’ theme perfectly. Their goal is to show the attendees what a wonderful products you can make by using materials that some people call waste.

VerdraaidGoed! is a young design agency that designs, manufactures and sells sustainable products and is established in 2011 by Lisanne Addink-Dölle. For raw materials they make use of residuals as much as possible, so waste is immediately reduced. Their products are made in the Netherlands by people with disabilities or without work(experience). You might know them from Foodiebag.

At TEDxDelft, they will construct a ‘home’ where there will be several products of VerdraaidGoed! at display, such as the Kandelamp and PosTTafels.

Experience how to look differently at waste, to see that affordable quality products don’t have to come from far and there is no new raw materials needed to make them. You might even get inspired to dive into the litter bin once you get home!